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Podcast: Top 10 Most Downloaded Episodes of 2019

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This week we hit 50,000 downloads of our podcast and we are so excited for how far we’ve come in the year and a half that our podcast has been live. Thank YOU for tuning in and listening and sharing with colleagues and friends. Last week to celebrate PPS and the end of PT Month, we put out not 1, but 2 episodes (listen here and here), so we’re taking a short break this week by instead sharing the most downloaded episodes of 2019.


Thank you to everyone for your continuous support of our podcast – if you have any subjects you would like to hear about or have questions about, let us know here. We’ll be back next week with our regularly scheduled podcast with a plethora of helpful information and insights as to the latest in the PT private practice space. If you’re interested in learning more about how MEG can help you be a better practice owner through our virtual training, or remote management or billing solutions, contact us to set up a no-obligation practice assessment.


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