PT Private Practice Considerations 2020

Episode 85: Innovative Considerations for Success in Private Practice (feat. Heidi Jannenga from WebPT)

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This week, we’re chatting with Heidi Jannenga, PT, DPT – co-founder and president of WebPT. She’s talking with Brian about changes in the Physical Therapy industry and challenges that outpatient rehabilitation therapists face and why understanding the regulatory changes is so important. Brian and Heidi also talk about how owners can remain competitive in private practice as well as why being forward-thinking and transparent is essential to great leadership. Listen in for a great discussion! 

Episode at a glance:

  • Why private practice owners need to know who their real competition is and how to acquire patients based on the market and regulatory environment.  
  • Owners need to stop chasing what others have done and be forward-thinking. 
  • Really hard decisions are often the right decision 
  • Heidi shares a few statistics that show the change in access to care and how technology plays into this. 
  • Why avoiding burnout among clinicians and owners is so important to protecting and changing the future of the Physical Therapy industry.
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