Episode 63: 5 Ways to Market Like a Pro

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There is a lot of noise in the digital marketing space. It’s going to take 7 touches from your physical therapy practice for people to remember your brand. While many practice owners we talk to know the importance of marketing and know the concept of marketing is important, they lack the management of marketing to really be successful. Meaning, the lack of accountability and management over this area is going to hold your practice back and hold YOU back from the living the life you dreamed of when you opened your practice. 

So what can YOU do about this? How can you differentiate your practice? We’re talking with MEG Marketing Director, Heidi Schmidt and MEG Regional Marketing Manager Scott McCutcheon about some marketing strategies that will help your practice get found and win in the digital marketing space that will benefit both your internal and external marketing efforts.

Episode at a glance:

  • Doing it yourself keeps your practice small. You need someone managing your marketing – whether you outsource it, or have someone in-house. 
  • Tracking your marketing efforts starts at the front desk. 
  • We dive into online reviews and why they matter. Asking patients for testimonials and success stories serves one purpose but you need to be getting those patients to share their experiences online as well. 
  • You can not ignore main street marketing. Building relationships with other businesses, referral sources. 
  • Majority of your patients should be return business (45-65%). What is return business? Word of mouth, someone who was referred by a previous or current patient.
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