Check Out our Zoom Cast Vault!

May 2024

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Credentialing Health Checks for Thriving Therapy Practices

Join our Zoomcast tailored for physical therapy practice owners, featuring our Director of Credentialing, Elise Manka. This in-depth session will not only demystify the credentialing process but also emphasize the importance of conducting advanced health checks on your insurance contracts.

April 2024

Revolutionizing Recruitment and Retention in PT Private Practices with Strategic Benefits

Join our insightful Zoomcast to explore the transformative strategy of leveraging student loan repayment benefits to attract, retain, and nurture top-tier talent. Featuring insights from Mick MacLaverty of Highway Benefits, we uncover the substantial impact of student debt on physical therapists and how PT private practice owners can alleviate this challenge to their mutual advantage.

March 2024

Attract, Engage, Convert: Transforming Your PT Practice’s Online Presence

Join us for an exclusive Zoomcast featuring marketing expert Peter Cartier of PT Marketing Pros, as we explore essential strategies to amplify your physical therapy practice’s online visibility and stand out in the search rankings.  

December 2023

AI in Action: Transforming PT Practice Operations

Join us for an innovative Zoomcast with Ben Lubkin, Co-founder of Tapt Health, as we explore the transformative impact of AI in PT private practices.

September 2023

Progressing Your PT Practice: Innovating with Technology for Increased Revenue

Join us for an insightful Zoomcast where we discuss “The Progressive PT Practice Model” and explore innovative strategies that break free from the traditional fee-for-service model. We understand the challenges of shrinking reimbursements, rising costs, and staffing woes that plague the industry.

May 2023

How to Build a Culture of Compliance in Your Physical Therapy Private Practice


In this Zoomcast, we will welcome compliance expert Daniel Hirsch to challenge this notion and provide insights on how to build an effective Compliance culture that goes beyond legal jargon, emphasizing the importance of compliance in patient safety, protecting your reputation, and preventing costly penalties.

August 2022

Mid Year Check In


The year is half over already. But, now is a great time to revisit the goals you set out for your practice in Q3 or Q4 of last year. If you are a MEG client, you were coached to create a Business Strategic Plan (BSP) with set KPI’s and targets –  are you on track to achieve your goals? 

February 2022

Go For the Gold in Private Practice Management 


In honor of the Olympics, we would like to spotlight 3 of our Gold Medal Clients from 3 different practice categories: Mobile, Start-up, and Expanding. Join us to hear from these owners about how they brought their vision to reality, the steps they took and the lessons they learned along the way.

January 2022

Big Changes in Compliance: What You Need to Know for 2022 to Become More Profitable Despite Reimbursement Cuts

  • The 2022 Final Rule: What You Need to Know
  • The importance of a Compliance Program in 2022
  • How to increase compliance through the use of AI – Solve for Documentation Challenges

November 2021

Solve Your Biggest PT Challenges

Join us as we continue our conversation on some of the biggest challenges owners all over the country are facing. Our experts are ready to tackle any topic as we navigate a new environment, redefine an optimal structure, manage personnel of a vastly different societal norm and help implement the systems to optimize your practice.

October 2021

Current Challenges and Solutions Owners are Facing Right Now

  • Unique challenges the past year has presented and how practices have had to adapt
  • How to evaluate your current environment, structure, personnel, and systems of operation
  • Considerations to best prepare for 2022

September 2021

The Impact of Digital Marketing in Physical Therapy Private Practice

  • What is digital marketing and why is it important to implement in the PT private practice marketing strategy?
  • What role can your website play in generating patients and providing customer service?
  • How is the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts measured?
  • How do you turn your website into your hardest working salesperson?

August 2021

The Painful Truth About Opening your First Clinic

  • What are the key phases in the start-up process?
  • What are some of the most common pitfalls to navigate as a start-up?
  • Accounting 101 – what do the numbers mean?
  • Hear from a start-up that successfully launched during Covid

July 2021

The Painful Truth About Opening your First Clinic

  • What are the key phases in the start-up process?
  • What are some of the most common pitfalls to navigate as a start-up?
  • Accounting 101 – what do the numbers mean?
  • Hear from a start-up that successfully launched during Covid

April 2021

The Painful Truth About Opening your First Clinic

  • What are the key phases in the start-up process?
  • What are some of the most common pitfalls to navigate as a start-up?
  • Accounting 101 – what do the numbers mean?
  • Hear from a start-up that successfully launched during Covid

March 2021

Owner Mindset and Playing the Infinite Game 

  • The concept of the finite vs infinite game as it applies to PT ownership
  • The leadership mindset and how it impacts success

January 2021

Strategic Business Partnerships that Make Sense for Physical Therapy Owners

  • What critical business partnerships should a PT private practice establish?
  • How can aligning with the right companies increase your bottom line?
  • When should startups and existing practices pursue strategic partnerships?

November 2020

Is Your Practice at Risk for Compliance Violations and Gaps in Your Current Insurance Coverage?

  • How do you know if you have a comprehensive compliance program?
  • What insurance coverage do you need to ensure your business is protected?
  • What are some of the most common mistakes owners make that increases liability?
  • Live Q&A session with expert panelists

September 2020

Workable Solutions to Real-Life Problems; Innovative Concepts From Industry Leaders​

  • Solutions for viability during stressful times – how to achieve private practice success.
  • Unique and successful actions from various Industry Leaders.
  • Expert Advice on Managing current changes and challenges – Possible reduction in reimbursement, COVID, Telehealth.
  • Live Q&A session with expert panelists.

August 27, 2020

Strategies to Acquire, Retain and Manage Patients During the Pandemic

  • How does patient acquisition look differently in today’s environment?
  • What training and tools can we implement to assist in patient retention? 
  • Tips for how to improve your brand awareness and promote patient referrals. 

July 30, 2020

Restructuring Your Business Model to Thrive Post-Pandemic

  • Why insurance-based only healthcare is a non-viable model
  • What are the top market differentiators in PT private practice
  • What cash-based services can you provide to create income verticals

June 18, 2020

Company Structure – Why Do I Need a Management Team?

  • How to increase organization and establish the management team 
  • How to work through your team and manage by statistics

June 11, 2020

Stop Making the Same PT Billing Mistakes

  • 5 most common billing mistakes: (most occur at the front desk)
  • How to assess your current billing

June 4, 2020

Effective Tips, Tools and Techniques for Personnel Management

  • Effective management of staff to make them as productive as possible 
  • How to improve staff support during rebuilding 
  • How to handle and decrease conflict among staff