Episode 35: How to Overcome Your Therapist’s Concerns

Knowing what it takes to properly communicate your message with your clinic staff allows you to be better understood and gain group agreement. It’s usually an out reality point on behalf of the therapists that makes these conversations seem so difficult. When you add to it the fact that the approach may be off, or if the message you are trying to convey is not what they are hearing, things can get difficult.
This week, I’m talking about the most effective ways to cross the most common bridges. Last week at PPS and in many conversations with owners, I consistently hear about a lack of understanding from their therapists on things that we once believed to be understood. If you know how to handle personnel in manners and with integrity, then you will find it to be much easier to bring about agreement. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Personal growth can only occur when you get out of your comfort zone and confronts staff. 
  • We talk about technique and tools to confront therapists and staff that might be causing challenges.
  • We talk about the definition of a great employee and how that relates to the products they produce and how they are measured against these products. 
  • Most therapists will push back on what can be handled with the use of a status sheet. 
  • As an owner, you need to lay out the Business Strategy Plan summary (BSP), the marketing program and the marketing campaigns every two months.
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