PPS Podcast

Secrets of The Top 10%: Live from PPS with Jason Waz, PT

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We have a special podcast/video live from PPS 2019! Brian has a conversation with Jason Waz, PT – founder of NeuPTTech and Competitive Edge Performance. They’re talking about how physical therapy owners can differentiate themselves.


  • Why differentiators are so important not just for your clinic but also for your staff to feel empowered.
  • Why going to PPS is so valuable as an owner to learn more about what you don’t know to
  • The clinics who are using the Neubie are getting amazing results and how these results are driving marketing efforts in their clinics.
  • In order to stay competitive against, larger franchise practices you have to be a market creator.
  • Jason talks about how the training with MEG Academy has helped him create and grow his business and how he relates to owners who struggle with time and feeling like they can’t get out to events like PPS.


As always, contact us directly if you’d like to see MEG Academy for yourself – you can schedule a demo here, or contact us with any questions you may have!


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