Episode 41: Changing the Game Through Innovation

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As we embark on 2019, maybe it’s time that we begin considering innovative strategies to move our private practices out of 1995. After years of upgrading how physical therapy owners manage their practices and staff, we have to balance that with innovative practice techniques. These new techniques should not only get the results we want, but also build our brand of bringing the best patient care possible to the community.

We’re interviewing Jason Waz, PT of NeuPTTECH this week and talking about the science and results he’s seen with the Neubie electrical stimulator. Give this week’s podcast a listen for a special offer just for our listeners. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Don’t be afraid to BE WILLING TO LOOK at new innovative ideas and strategies. Otherwise, you risk shutting yourself off to advancements in your practice. 
  • BECOMING EXPERIENCED is not just a singular even whereby it only depends on what you see, feel and touch yourself.  You can greatly increase your experiences in life through that of others by reading more and listening to more people and learning from their experiences as well as your own. 
  • Follow the 4-step decision making process: research, deliberate, decide, and act.  Make sure acting is velcroed to the decision step.  Making a decision is ineffective without corresponding action.
  • Follow the hybrid model for PT Practices whenever you can because the cash based model is good for the solo practitioner but not often successful for the common practice with multiple clinicians. 

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Contact Jason for more information on the special offer for our listeners.  


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