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An Essential Guide for PT Owners

Unlock the full potential of your PT practice with our comprehensive essential resource guide, covering strategies for modernizing your business model, improving financial performance, and enhancing management.

Additional Free Resources

Maximizing Your Physical Therapy Practice: 7 Operations to Outsource at Any Stage of Your Business

Dive into specific ways physical therapy practice owners should outsource talent and services for business success while keeping your focus on primary responsibilities while reducing operational and personnel costs. Click The Link Below

Marketing Strategies Toolkit

This guide has specifics on how to acquire, retain, and manage patients effectively in 2020. It includes a marketing checklist & tips, a social media guide, and other resources on branding and patient retention. This toolkit provides:

  • New patient acquisition strategies
  • Patient retention strategies
  • Brand strategy in marketing
  • Example reports, tools and resources

CEO Toolkit

This toolkit gives you a clear and organized breakdown of the hat and responsibilities of the CEO. It includes a detailed weekly/daily schedule, the full CEO hat, a handout to assist with establishing the Ideal Scene, and a PT Private Practice Self-Assessment.

  • Ideal CEO Schedule
  • CEO hat
  • Handout for creating Ideal Scene
  • PT Self-Assessment tool

Personnel Toolkit

This toolkit gives you valuable items to help you cover your personnel division. This includes an Employee Planning & Review handout, an extensive New Hire Checklist, a Post Training Checklist, and lastly, an employee Status Sheet example.

  • Handout for New Hire
  • Handouts for post-training & role breakdown
  • Handout for routine employee review

Structure Worksheet

A great starter tool for revamping your company structure is our Structure Worksheet. Here included are the post, products, and stats to be recorded for each employee. This worksheet will allow you to categorize your employees into one of these three buckets:

  • Administration
  • Production
  • Marketing

PT Billing Tipsheet

This document outlines the 5 features to look for in your EMR system. It provides a brief checklist to assist the practice in finding the EMR that is the right fit for them.

  • Information on what to look for & why
  • 5 must-have items