Episode 92: What Successful Owners Change About Themselves And Why

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What is your purpose?

In this podcast, Brian explores how to stay causative over your career and the attributes necessary to own and run a successful private practice. He inspires his audience to not shy away from risks and challenges and to color outside the lines in this game of life. He implores his listeners to take a closer look at themselves and to ask “why” instead of “how.” Check it out to learn how to evolve into the best executive you can be.

Episode at a glance:

  • The difference between patient care advocacy, versus “customer service” at front desk – don’t script your team but listen to how they advocate and care for the patients. 
  • There are three important attributes to being a successful practice owner
  • People and communication are crucial to building a successful clinical team – “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.”
  • A good executive can observe, decide, and act. 
  • All great business leaders learn more about people than they do mechanics. 
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