Episode 102: What Does it Take to Be a Successful Practice Owner

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This week’s podcast covers what it takes to be a successful practice owner. We’re not talking about the executive characteristics and traits that you need to be a successful practice owner, but rather, how to overcome a lack of confidence or uncertainty to take the leap into practice ownership. We’re working to get you in the mindset, and how to overcome common barriers that prevent you from making the leap into private practice starting with your ideal scene. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Don’t peg your happiness to the statistics. Peg your happiness to the enthusiasm and energy, and growth of the group and that you had within the group. 
  • To discover your ideal scene, bullet point out what your life would look if everything went exactly as you envisioned in your professional life in private practice and what your personal life would look like. 
  • Three categories of success in private practice 
  • 45 – 60 visits per week is break-even. Most startups that we work with break-even within 3-6 months. 
  • Once you’re in a power condition, you can plan out offices 4-8 in 24 months 
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