Successful Actions & Mindset for A Thriving Company Culture

Did you know that your mindset as the owner is the key to a successful Company Culture?

Think about it this way: If your brand is supposed to be a representation of your practice values and who you are as evident through your marketing and branding efforts, one should easily be able to feel this from your logo, practice colors, office theme, tag line and marketing messages. 

These messages will travel onto your business communication lines such as your website, social media outlets, and email campaigns. This will ensure that your promise of who you are and how you can help others gets out to all your customers – but what about your staff?

Your company culture is the promise that you made to your staff and the actions that you take to follow up and ensure that this promise is being kept. They need to know what you are about just as much as your patients do. 

So what do people (your staff) want? What makes them happy? 

Your company is made up of a group (or groups) of people and it is your task to nourish their needs. With training and compassion, you should be able to create an environment under which your team can thrive. You want to create a place where they can say that they have not only grown professionally, but also personally as a result of being a member of your group.

Here are a few important actions that you can take that will contribute to you building a positive company culture:

Follow a Five Phase Hiring process (like the one we teach through MEG Academy) designed to weed out potentially harmful and destructive individuals. You will never have the company culture you desire if you lack the people you desire, so look for those who are willing to experience anything – this is a trait to happy living!

Your recruiting process should have the following: 

  • A four-layer screening process (phone, staff, personal [you], background check) 
  • Includes the entire team to some degree 
  • Allows you to remain in control of the interview process

When hiring, establish the idea that you are a private golf course that people are exclusively invited into – don’t go chasing and begging people to join you.

Evaluate your current pool of staff with the mindset that only those who can play well with others while striving to exceed the agreed-upon measurable performance indicators can stay on your private course.

Something else that people love… transparency. Make sure that all expectations are established in writing, with ongoing communication to motivate and cultivate professional enhancement (through regular meetings, etc).

One important thing to look for is that your new hires are of the similar mindset that life is all about living a better tomorrow than today. Try to surround yourself with those who are constantly striving to better themselves.

WATCH OUT FOR THOSE WHO FEEL THAT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM. These people might consider that if “so-and-so” hadn’t done “such and such” that they would be living a perfect existence. This is a sign of lack of responsibility and accountability! 

In summary: understand what makes your staff happy, and deliver that. 

This includes the way that you communicate with them. Give the conversations between you importance by setting aside the time to communicate individually and effectively with your staff.

This also includes time management in terms of deadlines and expectations – allow your team members to have a say in when things have to be done so that they do not feel potentially overwhelmed by unrealistic standards. Communicate so that no information is missed and no quiet resentment is allowed to brew (remember, you cannot manage over a disagreement). 

Lastly, do not underestimate the importance of needing to be heard. Cutting people off in conversation is a sign of disrespect and should never be done.

We highly recommend that a communication policy be written for everyone to sign off on in terms of what form and how each form of communication be appropriately used (to reach you through text versus when to call, etc).

Be interested in what your staff has to say. If you’re going to lead your staff, lead them with effective communication skills that build respect among each employee. This will lead to a strong, productive and fun Company Culture. 

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