Optimize Your Clinic’s Website To Convert Visitors Into New Patients

Your website often serves as the first impression potential clients have of your clinic, so it’s important to have an appealing and clear online presence. MEG Business has built hundreds of websites for private PT clinics, so we have a few tips to help you optimize your website so that you can increase web traffic and new patients. 

>> Learn more about MEG’s done-for-you website development service to build or rebrand your clinic’s website

Focus on User-Friendly & Mobile Accessible Design

Surveys show that 76% of consumers search for a company’s online presence before visiting a physical location. Therefore, the user experience on your website can make or break a potential client’s perception of your brand. Easily navigable menus, clear headings and logical page layouts contribute to accessible design. 

Moreover, with an increasing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, ensuring that your website is mobile-responsive is not just a good-to-have—it’s essential. In fact, over 55% of website traffic now comes from mobile devices. 

If your site doesn’t adjust to fit different screen sizes, this can frustrate visitors leading them to abandon your site in favor of a clinic that offers a better mobile experience. People who are searching or accessing your website from a mobile device are in a different state of mind than the people that are browsing and finding you on a computer. Make it easy for them to get the information they need and to get in touch with you.

Target Your Audience with Clear Messaging

When someone lands on your website, you have only a few seconds to convey who you are and what you do. It’s crucial that your messaging is straightforward and easily digestible. Complex jargon or industry-specific terms may alienate those unfamiliar with your field. Prioritize clarity and simplicity, ensuring that even someone with no prior knowledge of your services can grasp your offerings quickly. 

This also means it’s important to clearly mention your clinic’s name and sum up your services above the fold section of your website. A clear and specific description will attract the visitor’s attention immediately – within two to three seconds – and encourage them to spend time on your website.

Prominently Display Your Primary Contact Details

You should always provide a primary phone number on every page of your website, in the upper right-hand corner. When somebody visits a page, their eyes are naturally drawn to the top section of the website where they can see the logo and the phone number. People tend to expect that phone number will be somewhere in this area. 

It is also a great strategy to have your name, address and phone number referenced on your website, ideally in the footer section. You need to have that contact information on all of your pages including the Contact Us page, of course.

Include a Strong CTA (Call to Action)

Your website’s primary function, beyond informing visitors, is to guide them towards taking a specific action. This action, represented by a CTA, can vary from clinic to clinic. However for most physical therapy offices, you’ll want your website visitors to book an appointment or to fill out an inquiry form.

Make it easy for them to enter their information into a web form or scheduling tool where they can provide their name, phone number, email address and a note detailing their requests that they can submit online. It makes it easier and doesn’t create any pressure.

Link to Your Social Media 

Link to your active social media profiles so that patients can easily jump off, engage with you on social media, see what you’re doing and be able to press that important “like,” “follow” or “subscribe” button. It helps create a sense of authenticity when your patients get to see your social media content where you feature patient testimonials and other entertaining or educational clinic-related content.

Display Clinic Credentials to Build Authority

You should also post your credentials either in the sidebar or in the header graphic, proving, for example, that you’re BBB-accredited or a member of the local chamber of commerce or industry association. 

This allows potential patients to rest assured that you are a credible organization, you’re involved in the community and that you’re less apt to provide them with poor service. They’ll feel more comfortable doing business with you.

Showcase Authentic Images and Videos

It’s extremely important that you infuse personality into your website using photos and videos. Feature yourself, the clinic owner, along with the people who work in the business: the office team, the physical therapists, etc. Every PT clinic should have a 30-90 second welcome video prominently displayed on the homepage of their website. This video can demonstrate your expertise and approach to PT, along with building a sense of connection and humanity to your brand.

Your website imagery should also showcase the facility itself and the equipment you use. Include a clinic walk-through video to give potential patients an idea of what to expect when they come to visit your location. Don’t use stock photography. Authentic imagery will give the visitor the chance to get to know, like and trust you before they even pick up the phone. 

Demonstrate Expertise with Consistent Blogging

Along with video and photos, blogs and other searchable pieces of content can help build your website’s credibility and expertise, ultimately increasing your search engine ranking results. By positioning your clinic as an authority in the physical therapy space, visitors will be more likely to take advantage of your services. To learn more about how to get your website to rank higher in search engine results and master SEO, visit our partners at ptmarketingpros.com

Continue to Iterate & Evolve Your Web Presence with MEG Business

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and so are the preferences and behaviors of online users. Staying stagnant is not an option. Active engagement, such as conducting surveys or monitoring website analytics, can shed light on what’s working and what isn’t. 

By being receptive to this feedback and willing to adapt, you ensure that your brand remains relevant and meets the evolving needs of your audience. 

To help you build a website that converts new patients, reach out to MEG Business. We can help you clarify your messaging, differentiate your clinic and build a PT brand that stands out online.

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