How to Onboard Your Staff With MEG Academy

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What is your onboarding process when a new member – clinical or admin – joins your team? Do you have a culture where you provide professional enhancement training for all your staff from within your physical therapy office?

Training your staff doesn’t end after the first 90 days. It needs to be an ongoing process with a level of skill achievement as the ultimate goal for each staff member.

The challenges are: who executes this training? Where do you find the time? How do you maintain a level of consistency across the board? Who will develop a program that works in accordance with the principles of repetition, role play, accountability, and consistency?

My practice struggled with these same challenges. I knew I had to find a solution that would be more effective and less costly than live teaching my staff on the same thing over and over again. It wasn’t until recent technological advancements occurred in the area of web-based virtual training that we were able to create what we needed in order to help our clients (and ourselves) achieve these goals.

Introducing MEG Academy

MEG Academy is a unique, interactive, virtual training platform that trains Physical Therapy Private Practice owners and their staff on how to properly onboard and professionally enhance team members on an on-going basis with an end goal of improved skills and abilities.

But before you dive into any kind of comprehensive training, here’s what you need to consider:

  1. Do you have an onboarding process?
  2. Do you have a clear, well-defined, company structure on an organization chart that is known by all?
  3. Does your team know how their success is measured? Do they know what their product is and the statistics that measure them?

Post Onboarding

Set your team up for success with the post on-boarding program. Your team will learn how to be patient advocates, track their stats so they understand how success is measured, as well as get them in full understanding of the organization board and where they fit and how their statistics impact company metrics.

Physical Therapy Enhancement

Set your therapists up for success by training them on optimal clinical efficiency, how to deliver optimum quality of care, and how to keep their patients compliant and motivated. Clinical staff will learn how to interact with patients and manage difficult patient situations through role plays and interactive courses.

Front Desk Enhancement

A key aspect of successful training includes duplication through role play. Your front desk will learn about how to be a successful patient advocate at the front desk, and how to also advocate for the clinical team. Enjoy multiple role play videos to help them navigate challenging situations at their post.

Marketing Enhancement

Your Marketing team is the key to growth for your practice. Their statistics and metrics are patient visits and new patients respectively. Therefore, knowing how to market the practice internally and externally is vital to their success. In the Marketing Enhancement course, they’ll learn how to monitor success in both divisions, how to create a marketing program and the essential elements to both internal and external marketing success. There are dozens of resources in this program to apply everything within the 6 courses in this program.

MEG Academy becomes your trainer and quality control mechanism to ensure your staff is accountable and are able to continuously apply what they’ve learned. The training can be paced out so one has time to apply what they are learning as they go along with the programs. 

Test MEG Academy out for yourself with our free 7-day trial, or schedule a demo with a coach to review how your team can specifically benefit from our interactive virtual training platform built specifically to meet the needs of PT private practice owners and their staff.


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