How to Hire the Best Team for Your Physical Therapy Practice

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According to Glassdoor, 69% of applicants would turn down a job if the reputation of the organization was negative online. This is why culture matters inside the business but also why you need to show others what you stand for.

Every private practice owner wants a physical therapy practice culture that is full of upbeat, energetic, productive staff members who enjoy their job and the people they work with. How to get there is a topic for many books and lectures. We have found a method that has worked well over the years and it starts with being true to our intentions and why we went into private practice to begin with.

If we hire based on the person and their intentions, we will assemble a team of positive people who all want to take pride in their achievements. Learn how to use the hiring process to ensure you bring on the right people to YOUR practice.

How to get the most out of the hiring process


Writing the right ad for the position – whether it’s a clinician role, front desk coordinator, marketing or a tech – and then knowing where to place it. From decades of experience running a therapy staffing company and being exposed to the top 10% of best private practices, our team was able to develop a results-driven approach to procuring the best candidates. Everything from the best locations to the minute detail of what needs to be said in the first line of your ad will help you find proper candidates.

Phone Screen

This should be a 20-30 minute conversation, max. This conversation allows you to ask questions in five areas: about themselves, their past, present, future and profession. The intent is to get them to talk about themselves so that from the comfort of their own home they can open up, be relaxed, and give you a glimpse of their true self.

Interview Day

It is so important to involve your entire team in this phase of the process – especially for new clinicians. The staff needs to participate in the hiring process since this could be their next colleague. Think about it: would you want to adopt a child without involving the rest of your family? Probably not. If you leave a clinician with a clinician, chances are they’ll connect on not only a professional level, but also on a personal level, which is what you want. You want to know with 100% certainty who this individual is as a person. You can most likely make them a better clinician through training, however, you can not make them a better, more ethical, honest person with high personal integrity.

Questions to Look for

There are some questions that may raise some red flags when coming from the applying clinician. For instance, one who is fixated on trying to get a higher salary or more paid time off. Whereas, other questions such as: What type of EMR system do you use? How many patients per hour do you see? What are the productivity standards? Would all be examples of questions one might expect from an aspiring new clinician.

​What about after the hire? 

Employees are most likely to quit within the first 90 days because they are not invested – not invested in the business or the team as a whole. During this period, make sure you schedule ten minutes per week for those first 90 days as a staff retention effort. This is an opportunity for you to get to know them better by listening to whatever it is that they want to talk about. You are going to find out exactly what is on their mind and how they are feeling about their position, and happiness as a member of your organization. If at the 90 day point, it is not a fit for you or for them, then it is a good idea to identify this fact for the well-being of all. Parting ways to allow someone “to go” and pursue their own vision is an act of kindness and appropriate for both parties. One of the most common mistakes so many practice owners make is to allow people to stay around when they know they are not succeeding. This results in unexpressed resentment and frustration from both parties involved. Learning how to take action when it comes to managing personnel in a timely fashion will always be a sign of effective leadership.

Here at MEG, we know that it all comes down to effective communication and having affinity toward teammates so that they feel invested in your business and your mission. If you want to keep your employees long term; empower them to act from a position of control and responsibility. Make a commitment to them that they will grow – both professionally and personally – by being a member of your team. While you’re not going to be 100% correct with every hire, if you follow this approach you will find high personal integrity among your new employees at the top of your list. Your hiring process will vet out the best from the rest. Then, you just need to invest in them personally and professionally to ensure their success as well as the success of your practice.

If you’re struggling with staffing, schedule a practice assessment to learn how MEG and MEG Academy can assist your practice with bringing on the best of the best.


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