Episode 94: How to Be a Successful Clinical Director

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This week we’re chatting with our Director of Remote Management Services, Abby Keyton, PT. Abby is a physical therapist and started working with Brian as a travel therapist at his clinic in Maryland. During her time in the clinic, she worked her way up to clinical director followed by COO. For the past three years, she’s been working with MEG first as a practice coach and then managing offices remotely and working with owners throughout the country. In this episode, she’s sharing some real life experiences that she’s had running clinics around the nation as well as some solid tips for how to be an effective and successful clinical director. 

Episode at a glance:

  • When you are interviewing and hiring, hire staff members based on a person’s beingness not on the resume bullet points. You can always train and enhance their skills if they are the right person.
  • Be committed to the mission, vision, and goals of the practice. Get your team on board by being willing (and able) to break down the process to achieve those goals.
  • You have to have a career development training system. Put time and money into key personnel if you want them to operate at the highest level.
  • As a leader, you have to be willing to say what you don’t know and be willing to recognize and seek out opportunities to gain more knowledge.
  • If you notice things aren’t right with a staff member, approach them based out of care to find out what’s going on. This is a great rule of thumb with any sort of conflict resolution.
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