How To Be a Post-Pandemic Leader (Part 1: Environment)

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What is going on throughout the world is utterly unprecedented.

I for one am growing tired of hearing the above statement in dozens of different phrasings and coming from every company on my email list, but it’s true.

Times are difficult, unpredictable, and largely out of our control.

This is the exact reason why it is vital now more than ever to spot those areas of your life (and your business) that you CAN be “at Cause” over.

Let’s re-examine the 4 KEYS TO BUSINESS SUCCESS, shall we?

They are as follows:


Today, let’s take a closer look at ENVIRONMENT, as the environment of our profession has shifted dramatically due to COVID-19.

Because of this, it is necessary that we adapt to the new normals of the physical therapy world by incorporating extra procedures to build our Physical Environment POLICIES.

“Physical Therapy Private Practices (PTPP) are considered by OSHA as a Medium exposure risk business and therefore should comply with the following appropriate control measures:”

  • Social distancing of no less than 6 ft between people
  • The total number of patients allowed in the office on an hourly basis in order to maintain safe social distancing will be determined by the office director/manager and be approved by the CEO/owner
  • All caregivers will be asked to wait in their cars for their loved ones to complete their treatment – as the waiting room will be closed
  • Consider installing physical barriers (such as clear plastic sneeze guards at the front desk)
  • All personal protective equipment supplies will be made available to both patients and staff
  • The front desk staff shall wear masks and gloves when necessary
  • Hand sanitizer will be in every room in the office to encourage hand cleanliness in accordance with the below “Hand Sanitizer Use” protocol
  • Post hand-washing procedures at every water source in the office
  • New office cleaning routines are now recommended to promote a healthier environment that will greatly reduce germ contamination:

    • All staff will wash their hands upon entering the office and before and after treating each patient and when leaving for the day

    • All surfaces will be sanitized with an approved disinfectant from the resource link ( before and after each patient

    • Air purification systems are highly recommended – here is one that might adequately meet the demands of the average office space:

      • The Minusa2 ultra-quiet Air Purifier by Rabbit Air states the following: “HEPA is the most trusted filtration technology in the world, used by hospitals, high-tech clean rooms, and scientific laboratories. Our advanced BioGS® HEPA filtration system is true-HEPA rated. It builds and improves on the traditional HEPA; composed of proprietary fiber material, it traps allergens and particles 0.3 microns in size at 99.97% efficiency and particles less than 0.1 microns in size at higher than 99% efficiency3.”

Hand Sanitizer Use:

  • Apply the gel product to the palm of one hand (read the label to learn the correct amount).
  • Rub your hands together.
  • Rub the gel over all the surfaces of your hands and fingers for 20 seconds until your hands are dry.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers need to contain at least 60% alcohol.

Following the above protocol will reposition you to a state of Cause over your practice, reassuring you that there are ways to continue treating while adhering to the necessary guidelines.

“The landscape might have changed, but by adjusting your policies to this new environment, you will achieve the first key to private practice success.”

-Brian J. Gallagher, PT, MEG President and Founder


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