Episode 104: How to Help Your Patients with Telehealth Services (feat. Daniel Seidler, PT)

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We’ve invited Daniel Seidler, PT, founder of Tele PT Solutions to talk about how to get started and some basics to know if you’re interested in offering telehealth services. Daniel is a successful private practice owner turned telehealth consultant. After implementing telehealth services with a large physical therapy group, Daniel now consults other practices on how to add telehealth services within their own business. He is committed to bridging the gap between practice owner, technology and people; and now, more than ever, is an excellent time to explore ways to best serve your patients during this global health crisis. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Many practices are moving to a model that replaces cancelations and no shows. 
  • With the right telehealth platform, you can treat patients from home or consult/screen them remotely.
  • Every state has different telehealth regulations. Here’s a good resource listed by state. Most states you can treat from anywhere, but you need to be licensed in the state where your patients are.
  • Coverage and reimbursements are different – but many states have parity. This means coverage and/or reimbursement is the same as if the patient were being seen in office.
  • Many private practice owners who have succeeded having telehealth in their practice started offering the service as a cash-based service. 
  • You do need a HIPAA compliant platform – meaning the technology you’re using to connect with the patient. There are telehealth platforms that do this and are secure. 
  • Telehealth complements your care, it does not replace it. 

About Daniel Seidler, PT

Daniel has a Masters in Physical Therapy from Columbia University and has been practicing since 1996. He is the founder and former owner of WSPT in the Bronx, NY. He specializes in treating back pain and chronic pain conditions. Daniel is an innovator in the delivery of Physical Therapy and a national leader in Telehealth PT.

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