Episode 95: True Leadership From Other Practice Owners

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Sometimes the most powerful thing a coach or consultant can do is simply listen. By listening closely to the owners I have worked with over the past 20 years, I have learned more than in any course I have ever taken. Their real-life challenges and solutions often bring to light things one would not have envisioned when left to their own accord. So, this week I chose to open up and share with everyone some of the most successful ways to think about leadership and practice ownership and how to communicate with your staff to bring about agreement. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Value yourself as the executive/CEO and believe in yourself as the person who is taking all the risk to provide the opportunity to your staff members.
  • Owners in practice today are not there to be providing the financial needs of their employees. They are there to provide the right individuals – who get the big picture – opportunities for both personal and professional development. Greater levels of exchange come from commitment and follow through with their primary intention being to benefit the group as a whole, not themselves.
  • Embrace your entrepreneurial personality. 
  • The most successful people get the concept that they win only after the group is winning. 
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