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Episode 89: Innovative Strategies to Enhance Your Clinical Toolbox

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This week, we’re sharing an interview with Erik Hums, DPT. We’re a little off topic from our usual practice management strategies and a bit more clinical today. Erik is talking with us about new strategies to enhance your toolbox clinically. If you’re going to have a great practice, you need to have great products. In order to have great products, you have to be doing something better than they were in 1995. Patients suffering low back pain are a multi-million dollar industry so knowing how to best serve these patients is a great benefit. Erik himself is a fellow with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists and Regional Manager for Profysio Physical Therapy in New Jersey.

Episode at a glance:

  • It’s about proper diagnostics and proper testing. 
  • There are new innovative testing that can be done to properly diagnose the SI Joint dysfunction – download the information referenced here.
  • Best practice for a minimally invasive SI fusion can be done by SI Bone‘s iFuse implant system.
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