PT Private practice startup

Episode 86: Is Now the Time to Open a Private Practice?

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If you’re wondering when you should open your first practice, the answer is now. Now is the best time. Why? Well, the fourth quarter is a great time to get the ball rolling because quarter 2 is when most areas around the nation have the greatest upswing. Plus, when you have the mindset to jump in, just go for it. Your purpose and your value is measured by your ability to follow-through. Keep those promises to yourself. This week, we’re talking about what it takes to set your self up for success and how to create on the vision you have for your own private practice. 

Episode at a glance:

  • It takes about 90 days to get your practice opened – 95% of the startups that we work with break even in the first 90 days.
  • The number one challenge in business is managing personnel – learn the power of acknowledgement and validation. 
  • Effective communication is not just getting your thoughts out as much as it is bringing about total understanding through listening and duplicating.
  • Know the expectations of others, setting the statistics that measure the expectations and how to measure them each week. 
  • Find a mentor to help you – the best professional athletes all have coaches to help them be successful.
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