Episode 79: Women in Business & Leadership, Part 2

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This week, we’re having a chat about women in business – part two of our three part series of women in physical therapy. Brian touched on this topic recently, but we wanted to bring in the women who inspired the original podcast. We brought on three executives from our team, Denise Muncie, CEO; Abby Keyton, DPT, Director of Remote Management Services; Nicole Walzcak, PT, Chief Development Officer who talk about rising through the ranks as women, how to be successful while balancing the mental load, and how to stop self-doubting to make the leap in your career, or in some cases, into private practice.

Episode at a glance:

  • 64% of the Physical Therapy field is made up of women. 70% of PPS members are women. 
  • To be successful in business, you’re not running every division of your company – the people that work with you are. As an owner, and manager you need to know your staff on a personal level then you won’t have the full impact to know that the business is running smoothly. 
  • Hire the being, not the resume. As the CEO, its your job to lead, educate and motivate. 
  • Recognize the skills and attributes that your team has, and support them rising up. 
  • Don’t break commitments to yourself, you know who you are and what direction you want to go in business. 
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