Episode 74: SEO & Your External Marketing Strategies

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A few clients have recently been asking us about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) we decided to do a podcast chatting about the basics. SEO – search engine optimization – is all about how your clinic gets found online. Think about how you last searched for a specialist or a restaurant. You likely searched for “Best XYZ near me,” right? This is local search. So, even though you may have a solid list of referring doctors, you have to assume that patients are still searching online for you even before they pick up the phone to schedule an appointment. How, or if, you show up on Google searches matters to attracting new patients – if you’re not showing up at all that’s a huge problem and is damaging your bottom line given what we know about consumer behavior and our digital age. 

It can be daunting and overwhelming to those not trained in marketing, but there are a number of minor things your marketing staff can do to improve how well your practice shows up online and in local searches. So this week we’re talk about some basic SEO tips you can share with your team, and if you do choose to work with an outsourced marketing team, some tips for success for working with ANY outsourced partner. 

Episode at a glance:

  • 88% of consumers who do a local search visit the business within one day. And 46% of all Google searches are seeking local information. Therefore, it’s really in your best interest to include SEO optimization into your marketing strategy. (Source: Hubspot
  • Having a verified Google My Business Page is step 1 to get found locally. 
  • Google values businesses it deems “trustworthy” – i.e. businesses with reviews. 
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