Episode 72: Do You Know Who to Trust?

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Have you ever trusted someone only to find out that they never had your best interests in mind? Did this result in you feeling as if you had been taken advantage of? 

The definition of betrayal is the violation of a person’s trust or confidence. These experiences can stack up and have long-lasting effects on you, oftentimes altering who you are and how you trust others. This operating basis can be devastating to you on multiple levels leading to problems not only at work but also in your personal life. Many of us have been betrayed or experienced what we consider betrayal at one point or another in life, and the people and situations that contribute to this happening are not going to go away, ever. How you choose to deal with them makes all the difference in the world in terms of overall happiness, stress reduction and practice management.  

Episode at a glance:

  • Next time you sign up for something, or go into a business relationship, make sure you have full understanding of their intentions.
  • Don’t go through life not trusting others. Acquire the skills of personal evaluation and have the discipline to hold yourself accountable to what you are picking up and have the confront to deal with it.
  • When you address situations swiftly and head on, you will earn the respect and trust of those whom you are engaged with.
  • Evaluate each situation and every person involved as a new case that has nothing to do with previous experiences (good or bad).
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