Episode 70: How to Be An Effective Executive

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A lot has been said about what it takes to be a great executive. Too often, the most important key element gets overlooked. I believe this is the element of having some expertise in the area that you oversee. In order to execute effectively, you must have an equal balance between knowledge and experience. Expertise in any field or area has been said to be made up from one’s knowledge and experiences in that field or area. Think about it, Tiger Woods has a coach to enhance his skills, he doesn’t just read about golf. It takes repetition and consistent training to enhance your skills as a professional athlete OR as a leader and executive.

In the fourth episode of our series on how to be the best private practice owner, we’re talking this week about the doingness of being an executive.

Episode at a glance:

  • Must have the desire to want to do the absolute best job possible and never accept second best.  
  • Must never seek to be liked or admired by others as a form of self-fulfillment. Instead, take pride in the value you have brought to others and the goals you’ve accomplished. 
  • As a leader there are four things you must focus on: timeliness, organization (or hire it in others), follow through, and planning and programming.
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