Episode 67: How to Be the Best Owner, Leader and Executive

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Being the best at anything takes commitment to one’s purpose, the ability to confront what is in front of you, and the toughness to remain dedicated regardless of the obstacles you will have to face. For many of us, failure in these areas is self-induced and the rest are simply other considerations that we went along with. In this episode, I want to address YOU as the key element in this equation – you are by far the most important and all the other identifying elements of you as the physical therapy owner, leader, and executive are all built off of: the real YOU, the true YOU, and the once uninhibited YOU (hopefully some of you still are). 

Episode at a glance:

  • Your personal integrity is the most valuable asset in your entire life. 
  • If you desire to be your own boss and start your own practice, then you have to recognize the difference between you and others. 
  • Get your schedule under control. You can not think straight when you are running a million miles an hour. Create a 7-day schedule and stick to it.
  • Devote time to your own personal enhancement so you too can be fulfilled. 
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