Episode 61: It Doesn’t Take More Money, It Takes Better People

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Fact: it doesn’t take more money to build a better physical therapy practice. All it takes is better people. When I say better people, I mean you and me as owners and leaders of our groups. When asked, just about everyone will say that he or she can be better than what they are today. If this is true, then they would immediately understand that they have deficiencies and lack of capabilities. This week, we’re talking about how a lack of proper personnel management has placed owners in tough situations when all they factor in is money and justifying salaries.  

Episode at a glance:

  • Why comparing new hires to current staff doesn’t make sense when it comes to compensation and why that shows a lack of personnel management understanding.
  • Why company culture and highest staff satisfaction will only come to those owners who are well trained and consistently seeking self-improvement. 
  • How and why you should create a staff professional enhancement program internally with certificates of completion.
  • Commit only to those who have demonstrated their willingness and interest in becoming a better person and professional while at your practice.
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