Episode 53: Four Challenges 99% of Owners Have to Overcome

Regardless of your industry, there are always challenges to overcome. As a Physical Therapy Private Practice owner, there are four common challenges that we see more often than the rest. One in particular is rarely confronted. Unfortunately this is often the root cause of all the other problems. Lack of leadership and what that means to your staff, yourself and your practice. This week on the podcast we’re talking about how to approach and conquer these challenges so that you never fall the effect of them again. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Be consistent and dedicated to your vision for your practice in order to be successful. 
  • Understand the difference between marketing and prospecting. Marketing is passive such as advertising. Prospecting is active such as doctor drop offs with a success story or sharing survey results.
  • Understand the difference between internal and external marketing and the staff you need to have in order to be successful.
  • Focus on employee retention. Create a work environment and company culture that foster individual members to grow both personally and professionally.
  • There are four steps that can help you become a better leader: optimize your environment, training, aligning policies and procedures, effective communication.
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