Episode 33: Strategies for Private Practice Success

The secret to success is GIVING. I firmly believe that all successful people focus more on what they’re giving than what they’re getting.

I believe it applies more to physical therapy owners than many other professions, as we are a people-focused profession. We engage with others in meaningful ways during the entirety of their treatment. As physical therapists’s, we need to know how to lead our patients but also, how to educate and motivate them in pro-survival ways that they can easily utilize.

This week, I’m sharing some successful strategies to share with your staff to ensure that you set the bar high and that every staff member can meet that.

Episode at a glance:

  • Why making money shouldn’t be your only goal, and why it won’t make you successful.
  • How to focus on what you can give and what questions to ask your staff to get them in this mindset.
  • Why you NEED to keep investing in yourself as a person and professional as well as investing in your staff.
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