Episode 27: How to Be a Better Owner, Executive, and Boss

Listening to other private practice owners around the country brings light to our common struggles. As a private practice owner, we are never alone in the challenges that we face and the solutions we must learn to implement. We have a greater chance of success by learning from those who have marched through this jungle of practice management before us.

This week, in the Physical Therapy Private Practice: Secrets of the Top 10% podcast, Brian Gallagher discusses five of the leading successful actions owners have taken throughout the years to be better bosses, executives, team leaders, and owners.

Episode at a glance:

  • Finding the symptoms in life – things that are easy to talk and complain about. But how do you resolve them and identify the root of their cause?
  • Teaching is not training. We discuss the difference between teaching and training and why training is so important to ensuring the success of your staff.
  • Emails from owners: what brings them to MEG Business and the problems they too are facing in their business.
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