Episode 126: Telehealth Best Practices – Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Brian starts this podcast with a wake-up call to his listeners to get them back to the core of personal integrity in the practice. He then delves into the meat of what you need to know for Telehealth. He uses the APTA as a resource to support the value of Telehealth and to communicate the to-do list for implementing it during the pandemic (and even beyond). Remember, if you want to be the best practice in Telehealth, you need to ask the right questions.  

Episode at a glance: 

  • Owning up to your mistakes builds character. Your word means something 
  • Exchange in abundance (with your patients AND staff) 
  • Do the research on your state’s policies and position on Telehealth 
  • Call your liability insurance & malpractice carriers to make sure you’re covered for Telehealth 


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