Episode 101: What the Heck is Going On in Physical Therapy Schools?

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This week, Brian is elaborating on some conversations with students that he had at CSM. Students and new graduates, you have to be willing to look at yourself and where you are in the profession. New grads and students often have a slightly resentful attitude towards employers based solely on the ideas that they have before even entering the workforce. This is playing into what many consider to be an already over inflated self-entitlement point of view from today’s graduating students. This is not only having a negative impact on their careers and the profession of Physical Therapy overall, but also is impacting private practice owners across the country. At a time when private practice owners are already dealing with excessive regulations, decreasing reimbursement, increased competition from hospital systems and physician owned clinics.  We are all DPT’s and we need more understanding and collaboration – not less – in order to strengthen our profession.  So let’s talk about how to get on the same page. 

Episode at a glance:

  • Hire the applicant that is excited to get the invitation to join your group. Not the one who wants to explore all their options.
  • Blame academia and the federal government. This story from REVEAL shares the real student loan crisis going on.
  • Having a student loan compensation plan is a great benefit – so long as your employee is in full exchange (i.e. working tues – sat for an extra $10,000 on their salary).
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