Enhancing Patient Care with Technology

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Here at MEG we talk a lot about diversifying income and adding value to your patients in a way that improves your patient care. In the past, we’ve shared information about the NEUBIE – or the Neuro-Bio-Electric-Stimulator. This week, our friends over at NEUBIE let us know about a one-time discount so we wanted to share a little more info in case you’re looking for ways to deliver added value to your patients while earning extra money for your clinic.

What is the NEUBIE?

The NEUBIE is an electrical stimulation device that accelerates the client’s progress in fitness and injury recovery. Contrary to popular belief, this is not your typical TENS unit. NEUBIE is unique in that it uses direct current rather than alternating current, so it doesn’t lock up your muscle when using it at high intensities. By using NEUBIE to stimulate the neurological system, you’re able to get a full muscle contraction while still maintaining functional movement patterns.

The NEUBIE has helped people of all ages and in almost all situations, get out of pain, improve performance, sometimes avoid surgeries and get out of wheelchairs, and live life at a higher level.

Technology enhances natural processes; it doesn’t replace them. The Nervous System controls virtually everything about the body. When you work neurologically, you can change everything else for the better – and do it much faster. We use advanced technology to accelerate your body’s internal processes. When given the right signals, your body heals itself from injury, builds muscle, and creates good health.

The below graphic demonstrates the benefits of the NEUBIE for your patients.

If you’re interested in enhancing the care you provide your patients with the NEUBIE, contact Jason Waz, PT via email or visit www.NeuPTtech.com. Neufit has announced a one time, end of year special pricing – so if you’ve ever been curious or haven’t wanted to make the leap because of pricing, now is a great time to act.


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