Episode 32: Eliminate Confusion on Charging & Coding

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Finding the right way to clear up the confusions surrounding proper charging and coding for our physical therapists is one of the leading frustrations of private practice owners. It starts with instructors at physical therapy schools across America, who misrepresent proper ways to charge and code without drama and fear. With good education, you can build a team approach for successful abundance of care being delivered every session.

Episode at a glance:

  • The mindset and comfort level of your therapists should be a first concern.
  • Understand the ideal environment needed to work optimally in a 2 patient/hour schedule.
  • Know the personnel training that this will require: FDC, Techs, DPT, and PCR.
    • FDC: Having a timely sign in/out process, cluster booking, proper script when scheduling, how to avoid cancellations and no shows, confirm next appointment, and tracking stats of % of kept appointments.
    • Tech: Skilled to read the mind of the PT and move the patient and care for them throughout the appointment.
    • PCR: Review welcome folder, survey, and gather success stories along the way with the give-me-five drill, holiday engagement and patient games.
    • DPT: Educate your patient on how to be successful from POC to HEP to appointment keeping. Teach them to be more interested than interesting.
  • Finally, having the billing oversight to catch units that don’t match time per session and bundling.


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