A Moment to Reflect in a Time of Crisis

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Inspired by an email from Brian Gallagher to one of his clients

“Ironically, MEG Academy is really booming with Startups at the moment” states Brian Gallagher in a heartfelt email to one of his clients amidst the chaos:

“Many feel that in the upcoming couple of months things will begin to improve, and when that happens they do not want to go back to their previous employers and resume living that life again.”

Here we have a glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel, an attempt at a silver lining in the most uncertain times many of us have ever faced.

But it’s true.

With this extra time on hand, even for those who have been lucky enough to not get laid-off or furloughed and forced to file for unemployment, there exists much room for thoughtful reflection.

Brian makes another good point: “This time at home has allowed so many to re-examine what a compromised life they had been leading in comparison to what they are truly capable of.”

Enough time in fact to truly re-evaluate your life, as so much is suspended and on pause.

And this does apply specifically to physical therapists.

Brian goes on to suggest certain opportunities that are now available:

“I say NOW is the time to take full advantage of these programs like the EIDL with the Advance payment of $10,000 which does not have to be repaid; or the PPP, where you can get two months worth of payroll expenses covered and forgiven. Money is cheaper than ever and readily available to small business owners”

This is crucial. With the amount of data now circulating around the SBA and the recently-passed CARES Act, now is the time to find out what you can do for your business, and for yourself.

“Above all else I want you to be winning in the game that you feel is the best for you,” Brian says,

“While at the same time do your best not to let the fear of others and any considerations they might have get in the way of your entrepreneurial spirit.”

Here, Brian encourages people to remain in a state of Cause versus at Effect, where it is easy to feel small and victimized by the world.

“Taking control of your life moving forward is my best advice.”

We like to invest in forward-thinking, and this is precisely what we aim to inspire in our clients and public. These are unprecedented and upsetting times, so meet it with unprecedented solutions. “Out-create” it as we like to say, or in other words – if you’re going to take action, do it to your greatest potential.

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